




Store - DTS Books and Posters

Many of the items listed below are in stock, but some need to be special ordered.

Shipping varies depending on where you are and how many items you buy. Shipping will be calculated separately and added to any invoices. WA state sales tax will also be added (where appropriate). We try to keep prices low, so Paypal orders may include a 2.9% fee that we are charged to use Paypal.

Members receive a 10% discount on weapons and a 15% discount on DVDs. Join now! We also offer wholesale discounts, contact us for more details.

Please note that all on-line billing is handled by our sister site KungFuKali.com.

Please specify any instructions, sizes, colors, etc. when you place your order. Thanks for choosing WorldDTS.com.


Item Price
B-AKE-001: DTS Foundation Booklet $10 Add to cart
X-AKE-001: DTS Foundation Posters (3) - each approx. 11"x17" $15 Add to cart

Images, Artwork, and Content Copyright (c) 2008 World DTS Organization and Mitch Mayberry. All Rights Reserved.